Frenchman's Bay, Maine

Frenchman's Bay, Maine

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

An Ellie Mosaic

I know it's been forever since I posted. But my last few months have been taken up with two daughters home for the summer and also our adorable new puppy. Introducing Ellie, our new little corgi! I think Murphy would have approved.


Ginger said...

What a sweet, sweet face! Congratulations on the new family member, Laurie! --Ginger

{Geo}Holly said...

Okay, Laurie, I miss your posts. You do not post as often anymore. Seems everyone has moved to face book [except me]. I am not one to complain because I quit my blog. Just wanted to say I check up on you from time to time. I miss the "good old days" when blogger was more popular than face book and face book was mostly for the college kids. Those were the days. Cute puppy!

~ Holly (who used to be andsewitisholly)

africakidandtheworld said...

Holly and Ginger, thanks for the comments! I will try and post more often. Actually, twitter is where I'm more active these days... but thanks for keeping up with me!