Frenchman's Bay, Maine

Frenchman's Bay, Maine

Friday, November 02, 2012

Keeping the Feast

I've been blog-friends with Milton, who blogs at Don't Eat Alone, for quite a few years. Like me, Milton spent his early years in Africa, and he also writes poetry. Recently Milton published his first book: Keeping the Feast.

As he says, "This book about what nourishes us: food, faith, family, and friends, and how all of those elements are essential ingredients of Communion--in fact, how every meal of our lives holds an invitation to the Sacred Meal."

I forgot to say that Milton's a chef, and has worked as a youth pastor as well. Who better to write about feasting, faith, and friends?


Lana said...

Thanks for the follow on twitter. You should cool. I've been to many countries, but not Africa yet. I'd love to hear about how those experienced changed you some time.

africakidandtheworld said...

Thanks Lana, I'll try and write more about that soon. Hope you make it to Africa someday!