A few weeks ago, I found "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," German version, at a
flohmarkt (flea market) put on by the children in our little town. My own kids probably knew this book by heart when they were little, because I read it to them countless evenings before bedtime. The author and illustrator,
Eric Carle, works in collage, layers, and cut-outs, giving most of his books an interactive aspect. Our own copy was almost shredded at the end, but very well-loved!
Someday I'd like to visit the
Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, Massachusetts.
P.S. Maybe one of the reasons I like this book so well--when I was a little kid in Africa, we had an abundance of hairy, colorful caterpillars inside and outside. I had great fun watching them, especially their bumpy accordian style of moving from place to place. Better than video games!
Ooo. "Die kleine raupe nimmersatt" sounds ever so much more sophisticated than "The Very Hungry Caterpillar!" More lilting etc.
Did you play with little chameleons in Africa too?
I love this book! It's such a classic! In Holland he's called "Rupsje Nooitgenoeg" and it's just as charming as it always was!
It doesn't seem that long ago that S and B's fingers actually fit in the holes of the board book!
Our other favorite of Carle's was "The Very Busy Spider". Do you remember that one?
Yes, I do indeed have a miniature version of "The Very Busy Spider." By the way, did you know that Eric Carle lived in Stuttgart for many of his early years, Betsy? And I still need to visit the art museums down there, an artist friend of ours recommended them.
Ginger, we had an endless supply of chameleons in our long window planter. I liked their swivel eyes and color changes. But most of all, the sticky tongue they shot out to catch insects!
I remember those caterpillars!
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