More than a few changes going on with our three children these days...
This July, Danielle moves back to the US to attend law school. She's worked in Heidelberg, Germany, with Malachi Ministries for three years, helping to support youth groups and youth projects for children of the military. We're proud of Danielle's involvement overseas and interested to see what happens next.
At the beginning of June, our son David marries his fiancee Emily in Grand Rapids, Michigan--the two met during college, and will be moving to Iowa for work and further studies. We're excited for this big step in their lives and eager to gain a great daughter-in-law.
Anna is researching schools and thinking about college scholarships. She lives one more year at home and then off she goes. I'm realizing it will be a big adjustment to say goodbye to our youngest! Jeff and I might need to adopt an international student or something. Truly though, we're happy at what an independent and thoughtful young woman Anna's turning out to be.
Oh, and in case you wondered, contrary to some dire predictions (ahem, Jeff), Murphy survived the sixteen hour trip last year on Lufthansa airlines and is currently chasing squirrels and assorted birds in our Washington backyard. He takes pain pills for his joints, but is doing remarkably well for an eleven year old pup. Not bad for a dog whose death has been foreseen multiple times.