Frenchman's Bay, Maine

Frenchman's Bay, Maine

Monday, March 23, 2015

Selling our Home In Vancouver, WA

If you know of someone who'd like a home in a wonderful, walkable neighborhood with lots of trees, send them to our listing on Zillow.

It's time for us to downsize and find a place with fewer stairs and a smaller piece of land. Even so, it's hard to say goodbye to our house on Blueberry Hill. We love our garden area, shed, fish pond with waterfall, rain garden, and plenty of space for lawn and shrubs. There's even an area the previous owners used for rv parking on the side.

Spread the word if you know of anyone who might be interested.

Also, we're only twenty minutes from downtown Portland, Oregon when there's no traffic!


{Geo}Holly said...

Hi Laurie!!

Thanks for your comment on our hike :) I left you a reply there. Has your house sold yet? What does the future hold for you all?

Holly - imawalker2 (at) gmail (dot) com

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable zealot said...

You go, girl.

Climbing the craggy boulders of the publishing summit is quite a difficult endeavor ...while I, too, could never plead peace while ignoring the corrosive crimes against humanity. Wanna help? Looky...

Our 24-wildchild, flame-thrower, germ-warFAIR-blogs are a total wasteOtime ...yet, a total wealth of bottomless inferences, nuanced sophistication, and synonymous metaphors which shall creep stealthily across thy brain like the vivid, brazen dawn. And, frankly, I wouldn't be too concerned about what the bionic, bloated, whorizontal world thot about me, dear; I'd be much more worried about what JESUS shall say at the General Judgement.

First, why else does a moth fly from the night than to a bold, attractive candle Light? Don't let His extravagant brilliance be extinguished, girl. You're creative, yes? Then fly-away with U.S. to the antidote.

Meet this ex-mortal Upstairs for the most extra guhroovy, pleasure-beyond-measure, party-hardy-reality-show-addiction 24/7 you DO NOT wanna miss, where the Son never goes down from a VitSee-ing, ultra-passionate-YOUTHwitheTRUTH in which you'll find nonillions X nonillions X nonillions... of deluxe-cubed-HTTP (<-- pi) opportunities for enveloping, engulfing excitement; where you'll looove an endless eternity of aplomBOMBs falling ALL over thy incredible, indelible cranium, as you'll have an XtraXcitinXpose with an IQ much higher than K2 resulting in an explosion of obscene exuberance, time without end.

Last, here's what the prolific, exquisite GODy sed: 'the more you shall honor Me, the more I shall bless you' -the Infant Jesus of Prague.

Go git'm, girl. You're incredible.